Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Corporate Worship

We have a corporate worship for our Sunday service. That means everyone joins the Praise & Worship part of our service. Yes, including the children. I didn't realize how different this may be until the Kingdom Kids leaders went to a small conference and...

Woman: I was just wondering what each team does with the children during the worship part of the service.
Me: We actually join all together.
Several people: gasp, surprise look, and "Really?"
Me: Yes. We think worshiping as a family is important so during the praise and worship part of the service, we tell the children to sit with their parents. And it works for us.
Woman: Do you ever have a case where children don't sit with their parents?
Me: Yes. *grins* We just tell the ushers to catch them.

We do worship together and I encourage parents of younger children to remind your children that worship time is a special time between them and Jesus. And to add to that: worship time doesn't just have to be during church, but it can be anywhere at anytime because Jesus is cool like that!

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