Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Story Behind Valentine's Day

How Valentine's Day started is still a mystery with no 100% historical proof, but there is a permeating story of St. Valentine. He was a Roman priest under Emperor Claudias, who prohibited the marriage of young people because he believed unmarried soldiers were better than married soldiers since they didn't have to worry about what would happen to their wives and children if they died in battle.

Valentine lived in a society where polygamy was popular, but also where many people were attracted to the Christian faith. Since marriage is sacred to God, Valentine wondered how to address the polygamy problem. He encouraged the people to marry under the Christian church and obey God's laws and plans for marriage. He married people in secret because of Claudias' law.

Valentine was eventually caught and eventually died. There are many legends about what he did while in prison, but what we can learn from him today remains the same.

Marriage is sacred to God. We need to uphold marriage vows and commitments. The 7th of the 10 Commandments states that you should not commit adultery. Why is this so important to God? Because as the Church, we are the Bride of Christ. Marriage is a shadow of our relationship with God.

Unions and covenants are very important to God. He is a faithful God who never breaks His promises to us. When we break our promises to Him, it's hurtful and leads us away from God and His wonderful plans for us. How blessed are we that God loves us so much that He's waiting for us with open arms! He forgives us if we repent. He leads us if we listen.

Today, on Valentine's Day, let's celebrate love. Let us celebrate God who is Love personified, and worship Him for loving us. As God pours His love on us, let us love those around us. Let us allow God's love to flow through us.

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